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Saturday, June 10, 2017

Noneillah and Nonillaah Online Audio Meanings, Sentences and Pronunciation

Noneillah and Noneillaah Online Audio Meanings, Sentences and Pronunciation

Noneillah  (NUN-IL-ah) means No one; not one; nobody: Not any: No part; not any: Ill in the urban dictionary is also used as a slang word for good, cool, tight, sweet or better. Adj. Having great skill or skills with respect to a particular endeavor. In Arabic: illah with a double L means "except", apart from. ilah with a single L means the one worthy of being worshiped or "God"
Sean Cos Mason gain knowledge of the prefix none and suffix ill/illah meanings he combined them and created the word  Noneillah, which mean no one is better than him  because he kick ass (literally/ physically) when using his lyrical unique flow that is cool, tight, sweet, good and different that is cut above the rest with such quality; which made him lyrically equally set apart from the other hip-hop artist unique charming style of rapping that stand apart from the crowd with special worthiness.



1. A person who has a unique creative sense of dressing style or taste with such good quality (none)

2. Is a person who always keeps promises? An honorable person often used to describe a lady or a gentleman. (none)

3. Is one of the sweetest and most beautiful people around? They are among the smartest of people. They often have a very bright future ahead of them. (none)

4. A person who stands up for what they believe in, and never goes down without a fight.

5. To intentionally confuse everyone just for the sake of fun. (none)

6. Someone who wins you over with the sweetest words. An irresistible, charming person. (none)

7. A person who doesn’t give a fuck about anything. (none)

8. Someone who totally kick ass. (none)

9. A person with an original lyrical Goddess flow that no one ever had heard. (none)

10. Getting owned, especially in a ridiculous and pathetic way. (verb)

1.  There is no style Noneillah than mine. 
2. There’s no nobler soul that’s  Noneillah
3. I wish my girlfriend was a Noneillah 
4. She’s such a revolutionary. She’s an absolute Noneillah
5. Oh don’t mind her, she just likes to pull a Noneillah every now and again for cheap thrills.
6. I couldn’t help myself but fall in love. He was so Noneillah about it all. 
7. You can’t likely convince him. He’s a total Noneillah.
8. You don’t want to mess with her/him! She/he is a complete Noneillah.
9.  There is no hottest angelical  lyrist that is Noneillah

10. He was trying to act too cool so I put him in his place. He just got totally Noneillah-ed

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