5 Types Of Girls You Should Stay Clear Away From
Guys always in search for love and look to date the so call right girl but not knowing what they are getting themselves into. The guys' species seek for a woman she always searches with his intent to fall in love. He does not get to learn the type of women that comes his way. He becomes blinded by the woman out exterior and not studying the woman interior personality. Once he gets his feelings hooked into the woman he starts seeing the negative behavior not knowing those attribute was always there. So, males take your time and observe these five types of women you should run from and save yourself and heart from being broken.
Number 1
This chick has made it her hobby to argue about absolutely everything. In particular, she has mastered the technique of bringing up topics and past arguments that are completely unrelated to the issue at hand. The more you try to tell her that her sense of logic is out of whack, the more she'll argue.
She may also try to make you feel guilty about everything you do, even situations that you have absolutely no control over.
Obviously, if you're always tense when you're with your girlfriend, it defeats the purpose of having a relationship. If you got involved with this type of woman without realizing what you were getting yourself into, now's the time to run in the other direction.
Number 2
There are ultimately two types of chronic cheaters. The first will announce her history of infidelity on the first date as if she takes pride in it. This type is easy to detect and get away from quickly. The second is much more cunning — she cheats without ever admitting to it, even when you confront her directly.
In this case, your only chance of finding out the truth is by asking someone who knows her well and whom you think you can trust. For example, if you get along with one of her long-time male friends, you can try getting the dirt from him. However, if she's cheating on you with him, you're out of luck. If you have no way of finding out but you continue to have doubts, get rid of her. Trust is the foundation of any good relationship.
Number 3
The Princess is one high maintenance chick. If she breaks a nail, she expects you to drop everything you're doing to drive her to the nail salon immediately. There's no way she'll go to the pub to have a beer and watch the game; only the trendiest venues will do. Her daddy always told her she was a princess and she expects to be treated like one.
Not only will she constantly keep you busy taking care of her every need, the Princess can also cost you a pretty penny. Although she's not necessarily after your money like the Gold Digger, she has expensive taste and expects you to shower her with nice things and take her out to posh places on a regular basis.
Number 4
If your girlfriend is constantly fixing your hair and tucking in your shirt, you're the victim of a Mother Goose. Although she may have good intentions and be great in many other ways, her motherly instincts will eventually drive you up the wall.
She may not be a lost cause, however; some women can be taught to stop "mothering" you. However, if you've talked to her about it a few times and she still can't resist the urge to spit on a tissue to remove a spot from your face, you might have to go your separate ways.
Number 5
Whether you're with friends, family, or even just the dog, she always has to be the center of everyone's attention. In order to accomplish this, she may use one or many of the following techniques: Talking excessively loud, wildly gesturing, telling unbelievable stories just to capture everyone's attention, or wearing extremely provocative outfits.
Although this type of woman can be exhausting given that she's always putting on a show, some men do enjoy women with lots of personalities. Just be sure that you can handle it before you get involved.
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