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Friday, May 10, 2019

The meaning of Noneillah

The Meaning of Noneillah

What does the word Noneillah mean's?

Noneillah  (NUN-IL-ah) means No one; not one; nobody: Not any: No part; not any: Ill in the urban dictionary is also used as a slang word for good, fresh, tight, sweet or better. 

1. Adj. Having great skill or skills concerning a particular endeavor. In Arabic: illah with a double L means "except," apart from ilah with a single L means the one worthy of being worshiped or "God"

2. Noneillah: (noun)  A person stands up for what he or she believes in, and do not go down without a fight.

3. Noneillah: (verb) Getting owned, especially ridiculously and pathetically.  

4. To intentionally confuse everyone, just for the sake of fun. 

5. A person who doesn't give a care about anyone. 

6. A person who has a beautiful personality that other people will want them around? They are among the smartest people. They often have a very bright future ahead of them. 

7. A person who keeps promises. An honorable person. 

Sentences of Nonillah definition. 

1. I have a Noneillah type of personality than everyone else in my class.
My music lyrics have a Noneillah type of flow that set me apart from the rappers crowd.No one is illah than Noneillah. (slang) I have a Noneillah sense of fashion style.

2.. She's such a revolutionary. She an absolute Noneillah! 

3. Sean was trying to act too cool, so I put him or her in their place. He/she just got Noneillah-ed

4. Oh, don't mind Naomi silly ways; she likes to pull a Noneillah every now and again for some cheap thrill. 

5. You can't possibly convince Sean Mason. He's totally Nonillah. 

6. I wish my soulmate were a Noneillah. 

7. There is no nobler soul that Noneillah.

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